White Meats and Fish Dishes: Tuna spaghetti with datterini tomatoes and tartufata, grilled white fish with tartufata marinade, chicken breasts with tartufata cream sauce. Pasta and Rice Dishes: Fettuccine alfredo with tartufata, risotto with tartufata, parmesan and wild mushrooms. Try it with pasta or rice, as a topping for crostini, hard-boiled eggs, or omelettes or make it the base of a delicious porcini sauce for steak. Crostini and Egg Toppings: Tartufata crostini appetizers, tartufata omelette, hard-boiled eggs with tartufata spread. Our Tartufata is an outstanding paste that combines summer truffles, mushrooms and black olives. INGREDIENTS: mushrooms (psalliota bispora), black olives, summer truffle (Tuber Aestivum Vitt) 5%, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, salt.