Internet Legend Reveals $20,000,000 Newsletter Formula

Electronics 2 days ago

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• Scott Delong, an internet legend, reveals his $20 million newsletter formula, which he made through newsletter revenue or flipping them.
• Delong, known for creating Viral Nova, sold the site for millions, but he refused to share his method, stating it was anti-course and he was too old to teach.
• Delong's advice to create a course that would reveal everything changed his mind, indicating he is no longer able to build newsletters.
• The author suggests that relying on Google or organic Facebook for traffic is risky and can be cut at any moment.
• Google's recent updates have decimated hundreds of sites, making it a viable strategy to pivot.
• The author suggests that building a website and hoping Google will send traffic is no longer a viable strategy due to their increasing hostility towards publishers.


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