Dr. Garcia Experience
Dr. Garcia Experience Dr. Luis Garcia’s journey through medicine and biomagnetism showcases his relentless passion for learning and excellence. In 1997, as an undergraduate student at Boston College, he had his genetic research published in an international scientific journal (Development, 1997). This marked the start of his remarkable journey.
Later, in 2005, he got his Medical Degree from Universidad de la Sabana in Bogota, Colombia, starting his influential medical career. Dr. Garcia’s professional path led him to be the Medical Director and Chief Science Officer at the "Salud Futura" Clinic in Bogotá, Colombia, until June 2010. There, he used a variety of therapeutic approaches, including Neurofeedback, Neural therapy, Ozone therapy, Homotoxicology, Neurolinguistic Programming, Chelation therapy, DMSO therapy, Bioenergetics, Nutritional therapies, as well as conventional Western medicine and Biomagnetism.
dr garcia biomagnetism dr luis garcia biomagnetism dr garcia biomagnetism dr luis garcia biomagnetism dr luis garcia dr. luis garcia luis garcia dr luis garcia md.